Monday, December 30, 2013
ICity Shah Alam - Tidak seindah khabar
Taman Botani Perdana Kuala Lumpur (Taman Tasik Perdana/Lake Garden)
Terlalu lama meninggalkan blog kecil ini. Dah penuh sawang hahahaha:D
Harap ada kerajinan pada tahun mendatang...In Sha Allah...
Berbalik kepada tajuk entry, semasa berjogging di taman botani perdana aka tasik perdana tadi sempat juga klik klik sebab macam cantekk pulak^^ Dengan angin sepoi-sepoi yang nyaman membuatkan rasa nak lepak situ sampai petang.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Sunset and seafood @ Fort Supai
Fort Supai is located at Kuala Linggi, Melaka - a place which I've never heard before, not until I came accross a blog which suggested that the food was so nice that he wanted to gobble up the empty plates as well?? And that his parents are frequenting this place all the way from KL on monthly basis?? And the sunset is breathtakingly awesome?? Tempting as it sounds "why not we go there and have a look?" l suggested to Idin and my brothers when we were lepaking at Port Dickson few months back.
It's about half an hour drive from Bayu Beach Resort (of course depending on the traffics and driving speed ;). Just go straight as if you're going to 'Melaka' after reaching Teluk Kemang until you reach T junction which indicates Tanjung Agas on the right hand side - of course you then need to turn right which not long after that you'll reach a long bridge on top of Sungai Linggi a border between Negeri Sembilan and Melaka. Tadaaa.. Now you're already in Melaka. Watch out for RTC signboard after the bridge, I think the first right turn after the bridge and here you go, Fort Supai is ever ready to greet you hehehehe..
After turning right, go straight until you see the floating restaurant at the end of the road - jalan mati la...
If you're a fan of seeing the sun going to 'sleep' then you can plan your timing and make sure you go to the floating restaurant and climb the fort to enjoy beautiful sunset ( I missed this coz by the time I reached on top of the fort 3/4 of the sun already disappeared:( - too busy taking pictures hahhaha)
There're 2 separate surau for muslims man/woman to pray so there's no trouble spending sometime there to enjoy the sunset and perform the Maghrib solat. part.. The main dishes are of course seafood which you can choose on your own - eg maybe you want 5 ekor of shrimps only? And the taste..suffice for me to say that it would not make me want to eat the plate larr but note this : taste + reasonable price + floating ambience + windy sea breeze + sunset view = superb dinner and I would love to come here again and again. So its tagline "rasa sekali pasti datang lagi" has been proven, for me and Idin, for that wanting to eat the plate-blogger's parents and for many others who enjoy the above equation. Wow! I'm not paid to promote them?? but sayyasuka Fort Supai hehehe..
Below info to note: 2 black peppered big crabs, 1 big squid + 10 prawns (fried with special flour) + 20++ chilli fried kupang + 1 pc grilled pari + 2 plates of rice + watermelon & orange juice + hot coffee = RM 77.50
*though all the food pictures look dark but the taste makes your smile brighter :D
Saturday, January 5, 2013
My folding bike

I wrote about folding bike (here) almost a year ago and never stopped dreaming to own one since then. Nothing syok about it, not as syok as owning a BMW like many of my peers have but it just reminds me of my primary school days - that time I owned not a second hand but may be sixth or seventh hand bicycle which can be unscrewed (literally yes, because there were 2 giant screws at the handle & middle part) into three parts which to the envy of my kampung friends hehehe. It was made in Germany and blue in colour. However there was no purpose of unscrewing the bike as it was not meant to be transported anywhere except for a ride to school!
Now few decades (waaa.. So old already ka?) later I got a brand new folding bike - thanks to Idin. Foldable and transportable;o)
So I can ride around Tasik Permaisuri or Lake Garden (here) remembering those old days...
Happy New Year 2013